11 November 2010

It's not all work

It was just brought to my attention that it's been 5 months since my last blog..... FIVE MONTHS!!!!! Wow.  I can't believe I didn't even get around to sharing the fantastic 10 day trip to Idaho 5 months ago!  Sigh, I guess that's what happens when the motivation to write has been completely sucked out of you. I'm not sure where the motivation has gone; it hasn't sent me postcards or updates so I've no idea when it's coming back.  Even if you're not a follower of my blog, you may have felt the implications of my runaway inspiration: I am SO far behind my e-mail correspondence!!!!  I am at least 2 months late in replying to the same person that just e-mailed me to mention she misses my blog; she figures SOMETHING must be going on!

Well, to be honest - there isn't a whole lot going on! I work quite a bit, but sometimes not enough to keep my bank account full (just enough to save for our Christmas trip to USA). I work most every weekend, so that keeps me from spending too much money, or having too much to blog about.  That said; we have had a few outings.  The most recent being "Brits at the Beach", which just happened to coincide with our British friend birthday! 
Having a taste of British food: Yorkshire pudding & Pig in the hole
Here Joseph is checking out a few of the cars from his homeland 

 We've also indulged is some GREAT food!

Dave's improved sliverbeet pie: more
silverbeet (swiss chard) leaves & less
cheese (yes, you can have to much cheese)
Silverbeet Pie with garlic sauteed silverbeet stem and
 steamed asparagus & beetroot

Avocados from our flatmates office: we made a yum guacamole
 to share with a Canadian Couchsurfer

There's nothing better than food from the garden
(broad beans and beetroot), unless of course
it's being cooked FOR you!

So, life isn't all work!  There's going to the gym and eating well too! I'm working on keeping my gym motivation from running off to join my writing, but I only have 1.5 moths of gym membership left, so I HAVE to keep going with it (granted I did exceptional at going 5 days a week for over a month...until I severely sprained my ankle (I probably should have gone to the doctors, but then I'd have been on crutches and that would have cramped the paycheck)).  I am still going to the gym though - just not as enthusiastically.  Perhaps if writing my blog was tied to money I'd have more incentive? That's why I go to the gym - when I bought my membership I spent ALL of the savings I'd put aside since getting a job ($350 I think - yeah, expensive!).  I don't regret it though, I would be an absolute sloth if I hadn't started the gym to get me exercising during the wet, cold winter.  When I started though, I calculated that my membership cost between 3 and 5 dollars per weekday.  So - if I opted to skip a day, I was pretty much giving away $5 that day. That's kept me pretty  motivated to keep up the attendance....that and stickers. I bought colored stickers to put up each day I went to the gym: green for resistance training (3x a week) and blue for cardio (2x a week).

I have heap of garden pictures loaded onto the computer. I hope to get another blog out before Christmas vacation ;)  But for now.....I gotta get ready for work (for the cafe lunch rush), then go to the gym, then go back to work (for the restaurant evening shift).