I spotted this weeks photo on the outside of our bedroom window today (Sunday the 27th....cutting it pretty close to get my photo this week!). I really wanted to get a picture of the spider from the inside of the house, as the light shining through it's thin legs was very prominent in it's white stripes. However, the camera refused to focus on anything except the cars on the other side of the window :( So, I opened the window and leaned around to take a few pictures of one of the very few critters worth avoiding in New Zealand.
27 May: Small White Tail Spider, moments before death by poison spray |
White tail spiders are usually feared to cause painful bites that tend to become necrotic. However, many web pages say the spider is rarely to blame for a wound becoming necrotic, that other factors may come into play. All web pages say the bite is painful and can cause swelling. So I went ahead and sprayed this little guy with posion, just to keep him out of the house. I felt a little bad, but we often leave our windows open during the day to air the house out.....and I don't really want him biting my sensitive skin!