Well, it was an interesting day; at the end of it I am safe, sound, and mostly settled in Cunderdin.
Saturday 16 May, I wandered downtown to buy some theater tickets and look for a map. I was in the pedestrian mall when I noticed a line of people with cameras. I looked up and over and noticed the white building with brown trim that always reminds me of Swiss architecture (though I have no basis that Swiss is correct!). The clock reminded me of the only glockenspiel I have ever seen – in Stratford, New Zealand. As the clock struck 11, the bells started chiming and the two jousters on their horses proceeded to go through several rounds of jousting. It was an interesting discovery in Perth! After this small show I continued on to the bus station for transport to Cottesloe Beach.

I had considered going all the way into Freemantle, but the bus was an hour ride and I couldn’t be bothered walking back to the train station for a half hour ride. So I opted for the popular surf/swim beach instead. The Indian Ocean was a beautiful blue color, with the mottled darkness of underwater rocks/grass. In the distance, past the large anchored ships, a hazy Rottnest Island could be seen. The sand was lovely and warm, but the water was freezing – especially with the presence of a stiff breeze. So, instead of hopping in and going for a swim, I read on the beach and refreshed my tan. I treated myself to a light lunch at a busy and fun cafĂ© and then indulged in a double scoop of some delicious gelato.

I walked down the beach path for a bit before coming across the Cottesloe sundial. It seemed to run about 10 minutes fast, but it was neat to discover a large working sundial! I walked on for a quite a while; watching surfers, photographing flowers, and enjoying my last view of ocean that I would see in many weeks.

I arrived back in Perth with plenty of time to shower and have a cup of coffee before attending "The Alchemist" at His Majesty’s Theater. I got a smoking deal on the ticket - $25 for a $65 seat! It wasn’t the play I wanted to see, but the "psychological thriller" was sold out, so I went for this comedy. I was quite pleased that I had spent so little on the ticket, as the play itself was far less entertaining than I had hoped. However, I’ll spare you my full review and move on with my main story. I had thought I might stop at a pub on the way back from the theater, but none of the bars seemed really appealing. I didn’t really want to feign interest in a live band and I didn’t want to drink a solo beer in a crowded bar. So, I smiled my way up the road and to my deserted hostel (everyone was out partying themselves). I put on some music and packed up my bags for my departure. I was hoping to get up early and store my bags while I explored Kings Park for the afternoon.
Unfortunately – I never made it to Kings Park. Instead, I got up quite early on Sunday, 17 May, and made my bowl of muesli and orange juice (yes, it sounds a bit weird, but it’s really yummy). There was a girl sleeping on a couch in one lounge, so I went to the lounge in the other side. I was greeted by two happy Irish guys, Kenny and Ronan, that had yet to go to bed after a night on the town. We didn’t talk much; mostly I ate breakfast while they played music (based on my imminent departure and ranging from the "The Beattles" and the "The Doors" to the "Fraggle Rock" song). I smiled and had a laugh when they busted out with a serenade. Ronan gave me a couple happy hugs before we went our ways for the morning.
I went back to my room to finish packing and check out. As soon as I walked in the guy in the bunk above me, Sam, told me to be careful where I walked as "a guy has just come in here and pissed"!!! What?! Where!? Sam showed me the corner Kevin had decided to empty his bladder. I turned on the light to confirm my dread. Yep, Kevin had leaked ALL OVER my backpack!!! My pack which contained my passport, my wallet, my camera, my diary, and the book I was reading. Oh, I was livid! Sam says he really tried to stop Kevin, but he obviously didn’t try hard enough! I slammed the door on my way out of the room and found one of the guys I knew worked in the hostel - just finishing up the nightshift. I asked if he knew Kevin and what I was supposed to do when he had just pissed all over my things. Keith was shocked and told me that he would wake him up and he would have to clean it up. He said I could have Kevin kicked out if I wanted. Still furious, I went back to my room, grabbed my clothes (laid out for the day), and changed in the toilet. I can honestly say that I felt like having a massive cry in the toilet, but instead I let only a few tears roll out while I shook in incredulity. When I came out of the toilet, Ronan and Kenny were looking for me. Ronan gave me a big hug of sympathy and then wanted to know where my things were. Kevin was their mate – and "the nicest guy you would ever meet" – and they were going to clean up the mess for him. In my room, I showed them the soaked pack surrounded by a lake of urine. Sam recounted what had happened and Kenny checked the top of the bed to make sure Dominic, my teddy, hadn’t suffered too. After ensuring that nothing else was defiled, I headed back out to see what the boys were doing with my stuff. I followed the trail of large liquid drops down the hall, where I found Kenny had taken my camera out of my bag. Luckily I had zipped it up in its case properly – the case was absolutely soaked, but the camera was only barely damp! Thank God! I helped Kenny ensure that everything was out of the case before it was put in the washer. Next, I found Ronan had emptied the contents of my bag: later he would recount to Kevin just how much liquid he had had to put his hand in to scoop things out of the bag; I think it was up to his ring finger when he made a scooping gesture! Kevin is now nicknamed "The Camel" for how much water he can retain!

Anyhow, the end result was that Ronan pronounced my book (which he had read and claimed to be a very good book) was not to be returned. Instead of binning it, he put it on the hostel rack! We are pretty sure it was gone later in the day! Eww! While Ronan would have liked to bin my diary, I would not allow that! It was far worse for the wear – the cover is very loose now and obviously waterstained – but the writing is still readable. I am pretty certain I won’t be using it again, but I couldn’t throw away the thoughts and stories of my New Zealand travels (the ones not posted on my blog, the thoughts from my plane travel and great walk; the ones I had recounted to Dave in the airport before leaving for OZ). Later in the day, when I finally met Kevin and was having a laugh about the whole incident, I had Kevin sign my diary!
Luckily… LUCKILY, I keep my passport in leather wallet, along with spare credit cards and a print out of my working visa. The wallet was wet, but my passport was perfectly dry!!!! Ugh, I don’t even want to think about my passport being soggy with urine!! Eww, gross! Everything that could be washed was put into the washer and I rinsed other things – money, credit cards, etc. Ronan used an iron to try drying my diary and passport wallet (which I had given a thorough wash, to avoid any smells or water stains when it dried). The iron saved the paper with the address of where I was working, but the sun is what dried the wallet best. The diary is mostly dry :(

During all this I was able to lose some anger and see the humor in it all. At least I wasn’t the one with my hands covered in my friends waste! Nothing of value was lost, even my poor cell phone that had been out of the bag, but in the large puddle; so I couldn’t be too mad. Ronan went around and made a collection from people he knew (and were up) and shoved $45 into my pocket. I half heartedly tried to decline, but he wouldn’t hear of it. I would have been happy with just $25, to buy another book. After everything was salvaged, and my bags were on the line to dry, we all sat on the patio rehashing the event and having a laugh. Soon, they were ready for the pub (opening at 9) and its chips with a "beautiful special sauce". They reckoned I would need a drink after everything, and since I’d never had a beer in Australia I figured they were right. I paid for one round with the money I had been given, but made sure I had enough to replace my book. After a few rounds we headed back to the hostel. I checked out and stored my gear for the next hour until catching my train. While I would have loved to go downtown and buy some books, I opted for being a good sport and continue socializing. By the time it was time for me to call a cab I was sitting on the patio with Keith, Kenny, Ronan, Kevin, Sam, and several miscellaneous people. Every time somebody new would arrive on the patio they would have to hear the story too! Poor Kevin, he was pretty much mortified. The bizarre thing is, Kevin’s roommate had gotten up in the night and pissed in their room too! Only, Ian had only peed on his own things! He hadn’t gone down several doors and defiled someone else’s stuff. Ha ha ha, not only stuff – no, it would have been easy if he had weed on my clothes – they are very washable. No, as Ronan kept pointing out "You pissed on her documents! Documents!!". Ha ha ha ha. How could I not laugh?

When I left, I gave hugs to Kevin, Keith, Kenny, and Ronan telling them that they would each be mentioned in my blog. I also gave hugs to my roommate, a lovely girl named Nicole, and her friend Mark, who I’d talked to a bit in the past and who helped me with my bags.
I didn’t have to wait too long on the train platform before I was loaded up and sitting in a window seat. I decided that I had best buy a sandwich on the 2 hour ride; though I was far from drunk I certainly didn’t want to show up to my new employers smelling like I’d just spent the entire morning drinking beer! As I watched the landscape slide past I realized I was in Australia! The hills were covered with tall leafy trees – gum trees I’m sure, with their tall, branched trunks and pale bark. The ground beneath the trees was brown with grass and some shrubbery. Occasionally the train followed a creek, which sometimes was narrow and full of water and other times was just patches of water spread over a wide rocky bed. I allowed myself to be awed by the fact that I was in the environment of National Geographic issues!
I’m not sure how much of the country I will see while I am based here in Cunderdin. I guess it will depend on how well I get to know the locals and how friendly they are. I went to the pub for dinner last night and got a full tour. I start my first shift and training this afternoon (Monday 18, May). The pub was really busy last night, and that makes me pretty nervous. However, I know I can handle things – I just can’t allow myself to get stressed. It will be a great experience for me, as the pub is not only a bar but also a bottle shop (liquor store) and restaurant. That means I will have many new skills to put on my resume.

I am not allowing myself to be even slightly disappointed by my situation. I have my own room, with a double bed, in a rundown house. I will share the house with my co-workers, 2 female backpackers. One of them, Lana, I will work with for the next several weeks, the other, Camila (?) is leaving today – to be replaced by a new girl tomorrow. There is no landline, which is the major disappointment ( as it was what Dave and I were counting on for cheap communication) and the internet is going to cost $3 an hour. I do have cell reception, in the streets, and most stations on the tellie are clear. Luckily, there are a few books floating around the place too – though I wish I could have finished my "Love in the Time of Cholera"! I also have an entire room that I have filled with the contents of my bags. I will be evaluating what is of importance to keep and what I can do without. I am a hopeless sentimental, so I will have to think less of where I’ve worn certain clothes before and think of who can wear them again (or how much it will cost to replace them)….. It is a desolate area, but I am sure that I will do fine – I already did some yoga this morning and hope to get into the habit of exercising daily. Like I said, I’m not allowing myself to be disappointed. It’s the country, not the city, and it’s what I signed up for!
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