Well - I survived my night in Freo (Fremantle, just south of, and basically merged with, Perth).
Unfortunately, I haven't had time to write up a blog about the semi-productive and semi-interesting trip.
Instead, I've typed up some e-mails (that's why I'm online) and picked some pictures to share - I don't think I've put them on my blog before! At the bottom are the pictures from a drunken friday night - where I met Adrian, Ben, and Claire. Oh my gosh - ABC.... ha hahaha.. Anyway, we didn't get any pictures of Claire! :( I will have to fix that sometime!
Enjoy my selection of Cunderdin pictures.......

A plant in Northam - the flowers are unbloomed and furled at the top and a bee is trying to get nectar in the middle.

A plant along the road on one of my walks

Moon over Gum trees. Apparently all gum trees - and all the bush in this area - are a variety of Eucalyptus (did I spell that right?)

Horses in a paddock full of Galahs taking flight (in both the foreground and background near the horses)

View from Cunderdin hill - farmer working his fields. The tractor is hidden in the dust while the salt plains of the river (Mortlock River?) are at the top background

Ghostly Kangaroo.... it's fuzzy because the light was dim in the dusk, but you can see forepaws and ears! LOL

Galahs in tree

I have another picture of the Galah with the underside of the wings showing bright pink- but it was fuzzy, and not in a cool ghostly kangaroo way!

Parrot of some sort
Termite Mound

Inside a termite mound (a couple good kicks to dislodge the top)

Not very good picture of termites...... I really didn't want to get to close to them - they were hopping!

"Noisy Miner"

Windswept? Gum tree over salt plains

Pig melon on side of the road, Cunderdin hill is the hump in the background

Sunset- 'cause I don't rise early enough for sunrises!

Tom, Theresa, Craig - me on top of the hat
Ben trying to sell us Swan Beer
Ben and I
Adrian and Theresa
Librarian Mel
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