It's 14 July.... Oops, I'm in America.... Lets try again.
It's July 14, at 2:20 pm. I am sitting in my parent's

recliner and have just started watching an episode of "Doctor Who". I got dad hooked on the show when I lived here 14+ months ago. This episode is one that dad recorded on 27 June. 2 days after he was in the hospital and on a ventilator.... this fact (which I just looked up) brings tears to my eyes - guess he liked the show enough to put it on auto record......

As I type/watch the show - I drink a beer. It's not dad's beer - those aren't cold - but at least it's not a bud light! Dad was NOT a fan of bud light! I know I know - it's a bit early for beer, but, really, it just seemed appropriate..... Given that I am trying to avoid falling apart over my dad's abscence by watching a show dad enjoyed.

Yes - Dad is gone. On July 6 my mom, sister, and I made the decision to remove dad's venilator tube. The doctors had taken him off sedation and dad was quite awake; making it clear that he was uncomfortable and wanted the tube removed. With many tears, and surrounded by friends and family, my father - Rick Dohner - passed away 4 hours after removing the ventilator :(
His obituary can be found at:
We held a viewing on July 9th, where many friends and family came to say goodbye and tell us, his family, some stories. On July 10th, we held a simple memorial. It was short (about 45 minutes) and, as we expected, brought a packed house; there were so many people that loved dad and his upbeat nature. We ended the memorial on a fun note to celebrate his life - per dad's written request, we ended the service with the song "Joy to the World" (aka, "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog"). My best friend (dad's 3rd daughter) and I put a montage of photographs together to this song, creating a funny account of the life and times of Rick Dohner.
The memorial was followed by a Dohner style wake. My mom's company took responsiblity for providing ALL of the

food and beers. We had many friends and relatives attend our food laden wake, to laugh at stories of dad and give support to us "Dohner Girls". It was a good time of remembering and having some laughs. The evening ended with my cousins jumping a dirt bike and running around on ATVs in the empty field. I got a ride with my cousin on the borrowed bike and we outran a random guy cruising around the streets. I was having a good old time laughing about our ride, when one of my neighbors boys dumped water all over me!!!! Well, that wasn't going to stand - so I chased him around, eventually pegging him with the hose. It really was a good time - despite the reasons for our get together.

And, so it is - with very great sadness, I again say good bye to my father. I type this blog as a way of letting all know what has happened, but also as a way of posting great pictures of my father..... and friend.

The TV and the beer have worked - I am far less nauseus and emotional. Maybe I can actually get around to doing some of my errands now .... well, after a few hours of letting the beer get me back to driving quality.... hmmm, I wonder what else dad recorded ;-)

P.S.... I must give many thanks to all those that have sent their support/prayers our way. I have to give props to my Cunderdin employers too. If it hadn't been for their help (lett ing me use their phones and internet on my work time to plan my flight out of OZ, and finding me a ride to the airport), I woudldn't have arrived at the hospital in time for my dad to recognize me and nod his agreement that he was glad I was there.
Oh Mel, that was a great set of photos. I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I could have been there for the memorial. I will see you in a day of two though. Have fun at the rodeo!
Love you.
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