Mom arrived at the Sydney airport this morning! We had a great day. After a nearly 14 hour flight from LA (with a 3? hour flight from Boise), she arrived quite awake and ready for the day. Her flight landed 20 minutes early, so I was more than pleased that I had arrived even earlier! After arriving late to the New Zealand airport in January, I wasn’t about to miss greeting her in Australia!
After BIG hugs at the customs exit, I guided mom through the airport and to the waiting area for our shuttle bus (tickets pre-bought while I was waiting!). We picked up a couple of mochas, and a shortbread cookie each, to get ourselves prepared for the upcoming day. We were both a bit knackered – she for traveling, me for going out on Halloween the night before (After having a few glasses of wine during the OZ/NZ rugby the previous night, I headed into “Kings Cross” to meet my friend for a few drinks. Aurelie (the French girl I worked/lived with in Cunderdin) and I had a good catch up while watching the various ghouls, playboy bunnies, and occasional mime pass through the bar and street. Yep – it was Halloween in Sydney. While I didn’t have a costume, and the concierge couldn’t find me a haunted house, I enjoyed the efforts of the locals.)
Mom and I finally loaded onto the bus and headed to the Wyndam Sydney Suites where we had
a one bedroom apartment for the next 5 nights (it had a foldout couch for me). I had stocked the place with wine, fruit, veggies, cheese, and chocolate (including a lovely bar of dark chocolate on the bed, topped with the sandalwood lipstick I picked up for her in Western Australia during my journey with Dave). Mom took a refreshing shower while I read the cards and letters she had brought to me from family.
We continued our non-stop talking as we walked from the hotel to the Queen Victoria Building (QVB). We did a bit of window shopping – where diamonds and crystals adorn the wrists and throats of those wearing the name brand labels. I was too tired to raise my camera and capture the Christmas tree of lights and the wrought iron railings of the balconies within the old historic building, but it was an appropriate introduction to the historic and stylish city. (I wish now I hadn’t been so lazy!)
After completing an impromptu survey regarding our experience of the QVB (earning us a free coffee certificate – which we never did cash in!) we caught the free shuttle bus to the circular quay (pronounced key….. I know, the strange Australian (& kiwi) language). I had scouted out the free circuit the day before, so I knew that the quay would hold entertaining buskers as well as the BIG city icons: the harbour bridge and opera house. A perfect place to spend an easy sunny day.
We then had a good wander around the opera house and through the market stalls at its feet. It was at one of these stalls that I recognized the girl perusing the stone necklaces –
Aurelie had made it down to meet us for coffee. I led us around in a circle looking for a coffee shop, but I missed the steps leading us to the umbrella tables. Instead, we got a fantastic view of the backside of the house. When we came full circle, we caught the stairs to the café’s but I couldn’t make a decision on where to get a coffee. We passed up the noisy crowd and live music to catch a cheaper take away coffee.
Despite the fresh caffeine infusion, we said goodbye to Aurelie and caught the free bus past
Hyde Park and to our hotel. We started to have a nice relax, looking at brochures and trying to figure out our plans for the week. After sorting through our pictures of the day we loaded up a wireless carrier with $5 to spend an hour on facebook posting the selected photos. Our entertainment quickly turned to blood boiling frustration, for me, as I tried again and again to load the pictures. I held my tongue in check for as long as I could – but after several more crashes I was nearly yelling curses at the computer and the internet provider! LOL (laugh out loud) I think it’s safe to say that I will be using library computers from now on!
Before giving up completely on the internet, I was able to find weather forecasts ranging from a cloudy and hot Tuesday (we are going to try the beach that day) to possible thunderstorms on said day! LOL Both reports believe it may rain on Wed, but hopefully we will still attain some decent views when we visit the blue mountains (hopefully low clouds will create dramatic landscapes?).
After a cold shower to sooth my blazing red shoulders (and chest – with a highly stylish white stripe running across it from my camera strap! Ha ha), we worked on some wine tasting before heading to the nearest restaurant (Vibe) for dinner. The cost of the lovely sweet potato and feta lasagna may just have tempted me into trying to figure out a few dinners to create in our small kitchen! Though, at the moment, I have NO idea what! Hahaha
Monday, 2 November
I believe mom and I had a decent sleep in on this morning, one of the few we enjoyed.
We didn’t plan a lot for the day, a trip to the wildlife center followed by some shopping. We wandered over to “World Square”, a market with an interesting dragon like metal sculpture. From the market we purchased day passes for the monorail; running a one directional loop around Darling Harbour.
We disembarked near the Sydney Aquarium and Wildlife World. While we purchased a discount group of tickets for the wildlife world and aquarium, we toured only the wildlife center this day. It was great too! It took us ages to navigate the corridors and levels of the building. They had heaps of displays, including:
A butterfly room

(we saw this butterfly

laying these eggs on the leaf! – unfortunately I couldn’t get an action shot). The room was FAR too humid and hot to do more than walk through though. Both mom and I have been to butterfly houses before, so we weren’t bothered with missing it.
Obviously there was a fantastic snake display, highlighting the poisonous and harmless species of Australia.
The carpet python is safe to handle and touch,
while the eastern brown (2nd deadliest in the world) was displayed behind glass.

There were creepy displays of massive bull ants; large, gangly spiders; enormous cockroaches; and various other crawlies of Australia.
While the massive perenties were something to see (Wikipedia says perenties are the largest monitor lizards (or goannas) in Australia – 4th largest in the world), the Koalas were the star of the show.
On the top level of the building under glass and netting,
were several fake trees in which koalas were perched – all asleep of course! Fresh eucalyptus leaves (of the particular variety that koalas eat) are brought in several times a day and put into vases around the fake tree trunks. In the wild, apparently, koalas only leave trees for finding a new food source and mating, so having small fake trees to live it wasn’t much different for these captive animals than wild ones.
We “oohed” and “awed” at the cute little animals before enquiring about having our picture taken with one. Of course, it was a bit spendy, but we were sold – we had to have a pic with one! However, the koala of the day (they rotate which ones get photos (and therefore touched) so that no one animal is constantly stressed) was not cooperating – he was sleeping high up in his fake branch. We were told to come back at feeding for some action.
Big informative display signs gave us several curious facts about koalas:
They have two thumbs! They still have 5 fingers, but there is a gap between 2 and 3 of them; giving them extra gripping power. Koalas sleep with their heads tucked down to allow water to run off when it rains. The first solid food that a baby koala (called a “joey” – just like baby kangaroos) eats is it’s mom’s poo!!!! This is so it can ingest the bacteria necessary to digest the semi-poisonous eucalyptus!
The kangaroo enclosure let us watch a few male roos feed (I believe all the roos were male to prevent fights between/within the sexes). Outside the enclosure, glass separated us from the area so we could watch the hot roos laying around in the sand.
A statue of a red kangaroo allowed us to experience how massive the animals can get!
I had never heard of a cassowary before, but they had one behind glass –
plus a statue to give perspective how large they are! They appear to be a more colorful version of an emu – but with a large bone Mohawk on their head!
We didn’t get a very good look at the wombat (closest relative to the koala – as koalas are nowhere near related to bears), but we did find another sculpture to pose next too.

Mom got her first look at a kookaburra through the glass. I believe that the two in the enclosure were injured and could not be released. The “laughing” kookaburra makes a funny call that reminds me much of monkeys in a tree.
After a less than impressive lunch of fish and chips at the café, we returned to the koala display. We had an ice cream bar each while we waited for feeding time – and hoped the picture koala would come down.
Some woke up with a yawn,
While still others (our picture koala) continued to sleep.
In the end, quite a few of the koalas woke up and treated us to a show of them munching leaves.
Our picture koala woke up and had a good scratch and did eventually come down for a nibble. However, we were told – as they were feeding – that in the state of New South Wales it was actually illegal for a person to hold a koala. Apparently they are fairly fragile animals, and their bones are easy to break. The best way to pick up a koala is by the wrists!
I have to admit that we were both disappointed
with not holding a koala - what was the point of paying for a picture if you weren’t holding the thing? So, we decided to save our money. We were both pleased with the view we had gotten; plus I took this picture with a koala behind mom!
Here’s a few choice video bits meshed together from our visit…..
After all the animal excitement, we caught the monorail to “Paddy’s Market”. The concierge had told me this was a good place to get discount souvenirs but also had good clothes. I needed to buy a dress for the performance we were attending at the opera house. Mom had brought a little black dress, but I was living on backpacker clothes. I didn’t feel in the least like trying on clothes – I was hot, sweaty, and had nothing to hold my hair up in. However, I gave it a go anyway. I tried on a few dresses at the first store, and LOVED the first one. However, we knew it would be silly to buy right away, so we continued to some other stores. Once I got a rubber band for my hair I became much more excited about new clothes (as the ponytail made me feel heaps cooler). I tried on several great items and very much fell in love with a perfect fitting red dress. However, I would have even less reason to wear the more sophisticated red dress in Thames, New Zealand than I would the more flowing and fun blue one I had first tried. So, we went back for the blue!
We ate our sandwiches on the ferry and enjoyed the water views of the city. We popped over to another cove and unloaded. It wasn’t hard to figure out where the beach was; if you couldn’t follow the signs then you could easily follow the heaps of people dressed for the beach! A short walk down pedestrian mall ended at a lovely sandy beach. Manly really was nice; crowded (as all Sydney beaches would be), but nice. It was also the perfect day for the beach – HOT.
Mom and I found ourselves a spot and sat down. We went for a wade in the non-patrolled area of the beach, and I told mom about swimming between the flags (where the lifeguards patrolled). It was fairly entertaining to watch how often the life guard would wave people out of the water and then point to the no-swimming sign before pointing out the flags. Wow – I would not enjoy that job everyday!
We put on our sunscreen and had a read for a bit – waiting for our skin to heat to the point that the cold water would feel refreshing. Mom and I took turns going out into the patrolled, safe swimming, area to cool down a few times. Unfortunately, I’m not really much of a beach person. I don’t enjoy sitting in the sun boiling my brains out, even if I do have a good book to read. There was no shade for miles either! I LOVE rocky beaches, with splashing waves and tide pools and I do enjoy the sound of waves on a sandy beach – but really, crowds, heat and sand that sticks everywhere just isn’t my thing.
However, this wasn’t my vacation – it was mom’s. So I pretty much kept myself occupied with a book and put a long sleeved shirt over my shoulders to prevent a reburn. I did enjoy bobbing around in the waves, along with 3 or 4 dozen other people, but really didn’t want to get my hair wet or sand in my ears, so stayed above. Eventually, mom decided she was good on the beach too so we changed our clothes and headed back through the mall (where we had picked up a cone of ice cream each on the way to the beach).
It was a relaxing trip back to Sydney, until we realized that we had missed the free shuttle bus L It only ran until 3 on weekdays! (except late on Thursdays). I didn’t know what other number busses ran past our hotel and I was sure it really wasn’t a very far walk (I had done it the day before mom arrived), so mom agreed. I had, however, forgotten that the initial bit of walking was a bit steep. Mom was pretty patient though and I tried not to walk too fast.
When we reached Hyde Park
I suggested a detour – I knew she would like to see the ibis. I had seen them before her arrival and figured they were pretty much always there (like seagulls at the beach). Yep, I was right, the fountain on the corner had several ibis around it. We both enjoyed a seat on the bench and watched them wander and drink. One had a stick in its mouth, which for some reason just seemed strange – since he kept putting it in the pool. Mom wondered if it was soaking it for later bending, but I thought it just didn’t want to lose it while it drank.
We wandered through the park for a bit, enjoying the softer grass after pounding pavement. At the end of the long park, we spotted a Starbucks across the way. Mom was ready for a pick me up by then. We drank our beverages on a bench in the park. It was several days later that we realized we left our beach bag somewhere along the line. Whether it was watching ibis, waiting for coffee, or on the bench after our drinks we ended up donating our swimsuits, towels, my cap, and mom’s shirt to the homeless population – leading to another fast shopping session later.
It sounds rather boring, but once we got home we didn’t leave again. The sun had done us in – and we hadn’t realized we had a bag to chase down at the time – so we had another mellow night before our big adventure into the Blue Mountains the next day…..
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