I apologize that the photos aren't very good quality. Between a smaller camera, few focus/zoom controls, and a bright morning sun on half the top half of the garden the pictures aren't amazing. But you get the gist of our overgrown, but productive space. Corn, tomoatoes, an eggplant between the ridiculously large unused spring onion (are they even edible after they become leek size?), and a very large Jamaican pepper plant.
25 February: Dohner/Milner garden. Bright yellow marigolds give color to the tomatoes that are slowly ripening. Leftovers from semi-shucked corn that will be dinner tonight litters the grounds. |
25 February: Jamaican Pepper Plant. Supposedly the "wings" will be sweet, the heart will be spicy. |
Note, due to time constraints (i.e. we are leaving in 10 minutes) I cannot google my Jamaican plant. I'll look a the label on Monday and give you the scientific name and a google link :)
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