26 September 2009

Flat People around the world

I acquired a new travel partner last week. He arrived direct from the U.S – Idaho actually. His name is Flat Eli. Flat Eli is the outline of my mom’s 8 year old neighbor boy – Eli. Eli’s 3rd grade class has just read a book called “Flat Stanley”. In the book, Stanley gets flattened by a bulletin board. The benefits of being flattened are his ability to fly like a kite and to be posted through the mail to see his friend.

As a class project, the Purple Sage Elementary kids outlined themselves on paper, cut their flat selves out, and posted them to friends or family. As a caretaker of my “flat person” I am requested to take pictures of my flat person at various places. The class would like to receive postcards, pictures, and memorabilia from the adventures the flat people have for the next 8 months. I have every intention of keeping up with the responsibility – I even sent a post card right away; it had pictures of all the various animals in Australia (including the platypus, kangaroo, and koala) and told them how long it took to arrive in Cunderdin from Caldwell (13 days). I really look forward to taking Flat Eli around Australia and back to NZ with me. Before I send him back in May, Flat Eli should have seen South Australia, Sydney, Tasmania, Uluru (Ayer’s Rock), and various areas of northern New Zealand! I’ll probably send some Aussie candies back with mom too!

I must say – I’m really quite excited. I haven’t taken Flat Eli around town for pictures yet – it’s been SO windy, but I do have pictures of Flat Eli attending a class presentation with me!

My friend, Adrian, is a teacher of a mixed 6/7 class (age 10/11). He thought the class would enjoy having an American backpacker come in and talk to the class. I tried my hardest to put together an interesting PowerPoint – with lots of pictures. The presentation went over really well, I had many questions and I think the kids really enjoyed the photographs. Before launching into my PowerPoint, I introduced my travel companions; both Dominic (my teddy bear) and Flat Eli. A few of the kids had heard of the “Flat Stanley” book, but many hadn’t. I explained a bit about the flat person project, but I’m afraid the kids interest in my presence might have been more for my being American than my traveling with a flat person; I didn’t get to many questions about Eli. But that’s okay, the important part is that Flat Eli has started his journey – and has made his first appearance in my blog!

I am going to try my hardest to keep this blog updated for frequently from here on out. I’ll be leaving Cunderdin in 3 days!!!! Yep, only 4 more shifts (2 shifts a day) and I’m out of here!!! WOOHOO, onto travelling!!!


I now only have one shift left!!! WOOHOOO. In less than 24 hours I will be on the train! I had a GREAT night out with friends after work last night. I have some pictures to post, but will wait until my final goodbye tonight. Hopefully I will get a chance to post a blog (even if it's all pictures) before hitting the train tomorrow afternoon. Big loves to everyone! I'm SO HAPPY!!!

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