18 May 2008

Antarctic Experience

Day 5 comes to a close. It was a good one. I'm not sure how far I walked, but it was all in sun and I have the rosy cheeks to prove it. I know, I know I should be wearing sun screen here in the land of the ozone hole. But, I don't. I can't stand greasy stuff on my skin, and I sweat so much I would have to apply it 5 times a day. So, skin cancer and age spots here I come - just give me another 20 years please. I still need my looks to eventually snag a man :)

Wow, anyway, moving onto my day! I walked through Parnell district, across the bay and around a couple points to reach Kelly Tarltons Antarctic Experience (http://www.kellytarltons.co.nz/home/). It's basically an indoor aquarium with fish tanks, a walk way beneath a shark/fish/ray tank, and penguin breeding facility. It was awesome. Way worth the NZ$30 to get in. They have a free "cat" ride (simulated snow cat) in which you ride around the penguin enclosure. It was great fun. I took a ton of pictures, some of which are actually not blurry. Of course, I can't upload right now, maybe tomorrow night.

The gift shop (through which you had to travel to exit, of course) had the usual cool junk, but they also had amazing jewelry and excellent souvenirs. I bought my first souvenir yesterday at the farmers market (my german bunk mate laughed at the fact that I've only been here 4 days and already had something to send home). But I couldn't resist, you could only buy the handmade object if you bought their food product (which I did, an lovely pepper and lime infused oil). I still haven't decided who will be receiving this item; mom and dad or Kristi. I found a ton of things at the aquarium I'd have loved to send - but I kept my money in my pocket. Maybe when they come to visit they can pick out their own items. Or maybe I'll get an employee discount and buy all the junk I want. No, I'm not hired yet (and now that I've put my hopes on paper - er, cyperspace? - I probably won't), but I did pick up an application and they are hiring. I should get the app dropped off with my CV by Wed - after I learn how to make the beds in my new hostel.

On the way home I sat and read some of my travel stories in the park, then another malnutritious meal at the hostel (bread & PB, tea, and potato - disappointingly not a sweet purple potato like in Hawai'i), and then sucked into a movie on the telly (Chuck and Larry - pretty funny really).

Anyway, my 1/2 hour is done. Tomorrow - Mt. Eden gardens: working and viewing. I'm really looking forward to doing something productive.

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