17 May 2008

It was fun while it lasted

Well, I guess my roll of constant communication is over. The WiFi at the hostel has gone out and will not be up again until Monday. They still have the land based connection (that I'm currently using), but with 20 people and 2 computers, time is limited. Obviously, without WiFi I cannot get the photos from my computer onto the web either. :(

Today is an extremely boring day anyway. It's Saturday so I went to the farmer's market and bought some fruit, oil, bread, and purple potatoes (I hope they are as good as the Hawaiian ones - I miss those so much). After that I came "home" to shower (it's warm and sunny and an uphill walk from town) and wash clothes. I check out of the hostel on Tuesday morning and plan to volunteer at Eden Gardens again on Monday (this time I will actually tour the gardens and take lots of pics - which I may or may not get uploaded).

The good news is, I have found another place to live after Tuesday. I e-mailed a ton of hostels in the Auckland area this morning to see if any of them needed workers in exchange for a bed. Almost all of them said they were set or didn't do that. However, one replied back telling me I had perfect timing. They needed somebody to start Wed!!! I'm totally stoked. The hostel is located in another residential area so lots of parks and quiet nights. Their website (http://www.verandahs.co.nz/welcome.php) even shows a hammock on the grounds. I'm relieved to find a place to crash for the next couple weeks - definitely staying until June 1st- and will be happy to have something to do with my time here (though cleaning chores should only take a few hours). It also give me a place to have my IRD card sent! I'm extremely happy to not be spending $20 a day just hanging out too. I haven't given up job searching, but it will be more of a pain without WiFi. Wow, I really became addicted to the internet! I don't think this new hostel has WiFi either :( But, beggars can't be choosers.

Well, better check on my clothes. I'm lonely already without constant online stuff to geek on :(

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